Take the Bull by the Horns with These Three Steps for Getting More Clicks and Sales

Did you know that there are about 400 million websites online? It can be difficult to make your website stand out among all this traffic. With more and more people using the internet to look for product information, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to see their websites as a key storefront for their brand. There are many forms of advertising and marketing on the internet, but we are going to concentrate on just three key ways to raise the amount of clicks and sales you receive.
1. More Clicks? Pay Per Click Internet Marketing
Pay per click is one of the easiest ways to gain an instant audience on the web. Unlike traditional ad services, where the company pays for exposure, the only thing you pay for is the actual click that takes the client to your page. This guarantees a more predictable rate of return. How can you make PPC more effective? Concentrate on specific keywords, and discourage clickers who are not likely to buy your product. Is all your green tea $5.99 or more? Add this information to your ad to discourage dead end clicks.
2. Higher Rank? Search Engine Optimization
Did you know that more than two million Google searches take place every minute? If you are not topping the list of results for keywords relevant to your business, however, you are going to get little of the web visibility that search engines can potentially provide. 70% of users ignore paid results, and 80% never look past the first page at all. One way to improve your rank is search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO experts work to create content that is keyword dense and provide link backs that elevate how relevant Google judges your site to be.
3. Better Retention? Website Design
So you used PPC and SEO, but not reaching the highs you hoped for. Could the problem be a poorly functioning website? Your website is the first impression of your brand that many consumers will receive, and studies show that people decide whether they like the look of a website within a fraction of a second. Good design involves having an easy to navigate format, a good text to image ratio, professional typography, mobile compatibility, and a fast loading time. Hire a professional web design company to help you create an inviting online storefront for your business.
What forms of advertising and marketing have you used online? Read more like this: www.logicalposition.com