Two Differences Between a Natural Bed Mattress and a Spring Mattress

On the outside, a natural bed mattress and a spring mattress look the same, but there are dramatic differences between the two. It is these differences that have people switching from the popular spring mattress to a natural bed mattress. So, what are those differences and how do they benefit you?
The biggest difference between a natural bed mattress, like a latex mattress, and a spring mattress is the issue of sagging. A spring mattress needs to be rotated or flipped approximately every four months, as this encourages even wear patterns on the bed. Uneven wear patterns on a spring mattress can result in a sagging of the mattress. Sagging mattresses offer little to no back or body support.
A natural bed mattress is designed to avoid this type of sagging that can result in little or no back or body support. In fact, a latex bed mattress can provide back and body support for up to 10 years without having to be replaced.
Another difference between a natural bed mattress and a spring mattress is the presence of dust mites and other allergens. The coiled springs and cloth covering of a spring mattress makes it an ideal place for allergens and dust mites to accumulate. People with allergies and asthma find it difficult to sleep and even breathe when dust mites and allergens are present.
A natural bed mattress is designed out of hypoallergenic materials. When combined with organic bedding sheets, an organic blanket, or other organic items, a natural bed mattress can help improve a person’s sleep by eliminating dust mites, allergens, and even mold and mildew.
The hypoallergenic material that is used with natural bed mattresses makes them a popular choice for new parents. New parents often use natural bed mattresses to create an organic crib for their child. This organic bed can help protect a child against harmful dust, mold, and mildew that can attack a child’s immune system.
Don’t go with a spring mattress just because it is the most popular choice available to you. Think about these differences between a natural bed mattress and a spring mattress before purchasing your next mattress.