Three Frequently Overlooked Costs of Car Accident Injuries

In 2012, the average car accident injury claim was $14,653. Though this might seem like a lot of money, it’s no secret that the cost of healthcare has steadily risen. An emergency room visit alone now costs Americans an average of $1,233. If you are injured after a car crash, you will, more likely than not, have thousands of dollars worth of bills to pay.
If the other driver is at fault, their insurance will be responsible for covering these costs. In most cases, rather than going to trial, the insurance company will offer you car accident compensation to cover your losses. Before this happens, you may want to consult with experienced injury attorneys. Why? Because you might have costs you haven’t realized yet. Here are three frequently overlooked costs that result from car accidents.
1. Loss of Earnings, Earning Capacity, and Opportunity
The extent of your injuries or disabilities, and what your life was like before the injury, will determine how much you can receive in damages. If the accident has, realistically, altered the course of your life, then you can sue for what your income would likely have been, had you been able to take advantage of likely opportunities in your line of work. Keep in mind that, if you’re awarded for lost earning capacity, it won’t be just random guesses. Experienced injury attorneys will predict it based on evidence of your past earnings and promotions, etc.
2. Loss of Income
Although most people realize they can sue for a long period of lost income — if they have to remain out of work for months or longer — many do not realize that loss of income can apply to much shorter lengths of time, as well. For example, say that you had to take leave from work for three weeks, and were under a doctor’s care during this time. In many states, you can submit this as part of your accident injury claim. Because some courts will need evidence of back pay, you might need pay stubs to prove how much you are owed.
3. The Cost of a Rental Car
This is another one of those expenses you’re likely to forget during the aftermath of dealing with a car accident. According to USA Today, the average cost of a rental car per day is about $60. If the other driver was at fault, and your car requires repairs, then the insurance company should provide a rental car for you. If the insurance company provides you with a cheap car that doesn’t suit your needs (driving multiple children, your job, etc.), you can calculate out the difference between what they authorized and what you really needed, and add that to your claim. Similarly to rental cars, remember to deduct expenses for towing and storage.
If you were in a car accident, what expenses would you want experienced injury attorneys to get you compensation for? Let us know in the comments. Research more like this.