A Look at Rankings on Search Engines

Search engines and their results are very important to many businesses that are trying to use their websites to boost sales. However, many business owners do not realize the importance of search engine optimization and other facets of Internet marketing programs. Many people incorrectly think that by just doing some keyword stuffing in the content the website will reach high rankings on search engines. Due to the changes in the algorithms of search engines, keywords are just one part of the process.
Three quarters of those performing an Internet search on search engines find what they are looking for on the first search engine result page. They will not go past that first page. Also, about three quarters of those users say that they avoid paid links, preferring organic links instead. Good search engine optimization increases those organic links and rankings because it improves overall quality and content visibility.
Rankings from search engines are also affect by websites that are optimized for use on mobile devices. Interestingly, the increased online connectivity via tablets and smart phones means that consumers are more informed, and this poses challenges for the brick and mortar stores from online retailers and businesses. This reflects the need for your website to be easily used by mobile devices users. If your website is not optimized for these users, they will quickly navigate away from it, meaning you will be losing potential business.
Search engines and their rankings also look at your social media presence and usage. Many people actually ignore social media, not realizing how important it is. A high percentage of adults using search engines will turn to social media to get additional input about products and services they are considering. Currently, approximately 30% of businesses outsource at least a portion of their social media marketing, a figure that is up from 28% in 2011.
You should also note that other aspects of a digital marketing plan include email marketing and blogs as part of the best SEO programs. Both of these will help drive up your rankings on search engines.
Using good SEO reseller plans is simple and affordable. You will soon be realizing the fruits of your investment through high sales figures from your website.