How to Use Your Enneagram Training With Teams

Watch this video to know more about enneagram and how it can be effective when working with teams. The video delves deeper into how enneagram plays a big role when different people relate in the organization and the differences it could make. Enneagram is a technique of personality typing that outlines patterns in how individuals interpret the world and control their emotions. The enneagram system uses a diagram to describe the nine personality types and how they relate.
Enneagram is an effective tool for the long-term health of multilateral organizations. Understanding one’s enneagram type and how it affects their perceptions helps to widen their perspectives and how one approaches situations and relates with one another.
When enneagram training is employed in the organization, it can help team members reduce conflict. Disputes arise when there are personality dynamics and miscommunications, so having an enneagram typology in the organization creates an environment where honest conversations can occur, thus fewer disagreements. The system allows managers to have deep conversations with the employees to create an environment of openness in the organization. Enneagram also helps employees to find purpose and productivity in their workplaces.