How to Beat the Case Theft

If you are facing theft charges, you need an experienced criminal attorney to help you out. This video gives expert advice on beating a theft case.
The first way to beat the case is by providing reasonable doubt that you are the alleged thief. A prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are the alleged offender. If there’s any reasonable doubt, there is no case for the prosecutor.
A prosecutor must also prove that your intent was to permanently deprive the victim of their property. Using a “borrowed” defense can get you off. If your intent was to borrow the property and then return it, there is no case for the prosecutor.
The prosecutor must also prove that you took the stolen property without the consent of the owner. If you have the property with the owner’s consent, then there is no theft. If there’s any doubt about consent, you will be found not guilty.
Any evidence wrongfully acquired by the police can be removed as evidence. An expert attorney can use your 4th and 5th amendment rights to eliminate incriminating evidence or testimony you may have made.
For more information, click on the link to the video above.