Fedex Express 6 Levels of Options

If you need to mail out paper documents or objects and have them arrive at their destination soon, you need to understand the options available to you. FedEx service levels are different levels that offer different options for speed of delivery depending on how soon you need your mail to arrive. These levels also depend on the type of mail.
In this video, you will learn about six levels of express services that FedEx offers so that you can make the best choice for your mailing needs.
The overnight option is the most expensive option, but it will get your mail to the destination first thing the very next day. Use this option for your most urgent mail. If it turns out to be too pricey, then the next level is a little cheaper and will get your mail delivered on the next day as well, but not until later in the day rather than first thing in the morning. The cheapest level will take three days for your mail to arrive. Use this for less urgent mail.