Benefits of the Next Generation Network Security Systems


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It is absolutely necessary for business, whether large or small, to utilize the benefits of an enterprise firewall while connected to the internet. Avoiding cyber attacks should be a top priority for any business that performs operations online. In fact, using the proper network security platform will actually help a company become more productive. By avoiding cyber threats every day, companies are able to avoid network downtime, which cuts into profits. Recent studies show more than half of business owners have no clue about the ramifications of a security breach. In other words, cyber criminals are having a field day with businesses online all the time.

The next generation network security includes an intrusion detection system, which allows the IT department the ability to detect any unwarranted users on a network. In addition to an intrusion detection system, it is imperative to use a network security platform that provides an intrusion prevention system. Preventing cyber attacks from happening is the best way to become more productive as a business. During July of 2008, a disgruntled employee working as an administrator for the city of San Francisco locked down access to an important network system. The administrator reset all the passwords and refused to tell other employees. As you can see, using the right network security platform is crucial for productivity.

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