With A DWI Attorney Houston Locals Can Resolve Legal Battles


Criminal defense attorney houston texas

In the state of Texas, those that are convicted of carrying a firearm illegally face a mandatory minimum sentence of 18 months in a corrections facility. No matter what charge you are facing, a criminal attorney houston Texas can trust will be able to help you solve your problems. Take the time to hire a criminal defense attorney Houston Texas can count on.

Federally speaking, felonies can be punished by more than a year of imprisonment, while misdemeanors are only punishable by less than 12 months. One great example of a reason to hire a defense attorney Houston Texas can count on is for a DWI charge. Houston criminal defense attorneys understand the sensitive nature of a DWI charge and how it can impact people. A DWI attorney Houston has available will be able to make it less of a challenge for you to defend yourself from DWI.

DWI stands for driving while intoxicated, whereas DUI is driving under the influence. If you are pulled over in Texas and refuse to take a blood or breath test, this refusal can be used against you in court. When convicted of a crime, you can be sentenced to probation instead of or in addition to jail: violating these probation conditions, however, can lead to harsher punishments. Make sure to search for a DWI attorney Houston has available carefully. The right DWI attorney Houston can depend on will help anyone with their legal struggles no matter how grave they may seem.


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