Franchising has been a popular marketing campaign for decades. When hundreds of franchises pool their money into one large fund from their parent company, the money can then be used to fund even more marketing campaigns. One popular marketing campaign of 2013 is mobile marketing. This is widely used today because of the explosion in popularity of Smartphones. So many franchises now are creating and marketing their own Smart phone apps that they are becoming as widely used as the franchises themselves. Social media marketing is widely used as well, but the content must always be fresh. Over 52 percent of people have “unliked” a businesses’ Facebook page because the content became repetitive and boring. People are still using search engines to find places to eat or other franchises by using Yahoo, Ask.com, and AltaVista. Franchise marketing is alive and well today, but it is shifting with the times; electronics and apps play a huge part in franchise marketing.
If you own a franchise, then perhaps you should hire a franchise consultant. This person can help you succeed using franchise marketing techniques and other measures to grow your business. They will also teach you how to use brand marketing techniques online and using other widely popular methods. A brand marketing agency can also show you the best ways to promote your franchise and make more money. When you do this you will learn proven techniques that help anyone with a franchise become successful. Franchise marketing is not an exact science; you just need to know your audience. If you run a fast food franchise, then you may want to target people who are too busy to cook dinner. Or, people who have young children. Your brand consulting expert will help you find out who your target audience is—if you do not know already—and show you how to reach them. Using Smart phone apps and social media, your franchise will be seen by more people every day. Franchise marketing strategies vary from franchise to franchise, so let a consultant help you customize a plan that works for your specific franchise, guaranteed. Hire a franchise consultant to do your franchise marketing.
Franchise marketing sounds cool! I wonder how I could become a franchise consultant. I’ve always dreamed of being a social media intern at one of the big Fortune 500 companies.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.
Franchise marketing is cool; and it works. I love the use of apps and social media. I also like the tip for keeping social media pages “fresh,” so people don’t get bored.