Yesterday’s phone answering services were easy ways for solo business owners to have someone always answer the phone for them, but there was never a strong sense that the person on the other end of the line actually worked for those small business owners. It was clear to many that these operators worked for several if not dozens of other proprietors, giving these customers a sour taste and a question as to whether they wanted to even pursue a company’s services. That has changed significantly today, with the rise in high quality live answering services that put customers as close in contact with the owners they are trying to reach as possible.
Through live answering services, small business owners today can seamlessly make it look like the virtual receptionists answering their calls are direct employees of their businesses. This is primarily because virtual receptionist services customize services to meet each owner’s wishes and expectations, if not exceed them. These live answering services make it so that anyone calling on a specific company will get the strong sense that they are actually calling that company and not some third party provider with no direct contact with that company.
Through live telephone answering services, small business owners feel more in control, and they feel larger than life too. They may not always be there to answer calls, or they may never actually want to answer calls in the first place if they are to appear larger in size than they truly are. For these owners, a telephone call answering service is the answer. They have a personal secretary to whom they do not have to pay a salary and benefits or provide health insurance, yet they get practically the same services from it.
Through live answering services, business owners simply pay a nominal monthly fee to have someone always there during normal business hours to pick up the phone. The messages will be delivered regularly or on an as requested basis to these owners, who then can decide when they want to return these calls. Some providers of live answering services also have the capacity to patch calls through directly to these owners if owners have requested the service. It is a brave new world with lots of cool gadgets and technologies, and live answering services have evolved with these new technologies. They better position smaller companies with the big guys so they have the ability to compete.
For more information see this.