How to Pick The Right Waterproof Flooring


Waterproof flooring is crucial in certain parts of your home. In fact, it is basically a necessity in your kitchen and bathroom. Both of these rooms are prone to spills or leaks.

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If you don’t have waterproof flooring in these rooms, you may find yourself looking for new flooring much sooner than anticipated. Waterproof flooring then seems like the obvious choice. However, the choice of which waterproof flooring to purchase is less obvious. In this video, you will learn about your options.

Your first waterproof option is tile flooring. Tile flooring has been around for a long time. It is normally composed of cements or rock. It provides a smooth and hard surface that makes spills easy to clean up. This is why you often see kitchens and bathrooms with tile flooring. However, tile flooring often provides a cold and sterile atmosphere to the space. Therefore, it should be used sparingly in most cases.

A potentially better option is laminate flooring. It is also waterproof. However, it can be made to look like wood. This gives it a warmer atmosphere than tile. Laminate also lasts a long time. In fact, many laminate floors have a lifetime warranty.


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