Converting Searches to Sales

A survey citing 900 client side advertisers showed that in house SEO dropped from 51 percent in 2010 to 44 percent in 2011. The ability to for businesses to keep up with their search rankings and to improve their standings may be dropping precipitously. With some basic SEO tips and creating an SEO reseller business you can tap into the lack of in house search engine optimization.
Content creation accounts for more than 75 percent of marketers SEO campaigns. When you have the ability to outsource that content creation on a large scale, you can create a sales division within your existing business to absorb those operations. Just applying a few easy SEO tips, you can instantly begin to impact a businesses standing in the search engines. When you tie that to bigger campaigns, you can increase your fees as an Seo reseller.
With 27 million pieces of content shared online each day, you can effectively drive more content and traffic to your clients sites to create higher search engine rankings. Even if you have limited experience with content marketing, an SEO reseller package will have the bandwidth to create and share content on your behalf.
Couple the content creation outsourcing with the fact that over 90 percent of marketers equate content creation with being somewhat to very effective for SEO. The biggest challenge in creating an SEO campaign might be around identifying the proper words or phrases that are most relevant. One of the main key phrases should use your website name to increase its effectiveness as a search phrase for visitors.
When looking at potential keywords, you should look for those that convert to sales better than the rest. This will allow you to eliminate the key words and phrases that are more likely used for browsing. Those visitors may be important to capture for future sales, but you should start concentrating on searches that are highly likely to convert immediately.