Why Your Business Should Consider a B2B Credit Card Processing Program


Online credit card processing

Ecommerce sales grew from 72 billion USD in 2002 to 256 billion USD in 2011, suggesting a greater need for a safe way to conduct credit card processing online.

If you are a B2B, Internet, or eCommerce business looking to process b2b payments both securely and efficiently, you may want to consider working with a level 3 processing or b2b credit card processing company. Level 3 credit card transactions typically involve either corporate credit cards or government issued cards, and generally require a higher level of security than lower level transactions.

Business buyers versus consumer buyers are also very different, so they require a different online payment processing service. Working with a level 3 processing company to develop a secure online payment system for b2b credit card processing could be the difference between secure transactions for you and your clients. While PCI compliance regulations ensure that online payment processing remains secure, a level 3 processing company can help your business to develop an efficient in house PCI compliance program for b2b credit card processing that offers services including a virtual terminal, recurring billing, credit card storage, einvoicing, and a variety of custom reporting options.

With online payment services, customers can be billed via email, making processing credit cards significantly easier. If your business is looking for a comprehensive solution for payment processing of your internet merchant accounts, working with a level 3 processing company may be the solution you are looking for.
See this reference for more.

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