Need Confidential STD Testing?


Paradise valley medical center

24 hour urgent care exists for medical services to treat conditions that are not life threatening or an emergency room visit type situation, but also requires quick attention. The urgent care business is huge and growing, with 129,043 people who are employed by the all the urgent care centers.

One of the services urgent care provides is confidential std testing. Many Americans are embarrassed to go to their normal physician to get rapid std testing. Urgent care facilities provides std test for men and women. On top of that, patients appreciate the confidential std testing that is available.

With only twenty nine percent of normal physicians having after hour coverage, it is important that immediate care centers are available for 24 hours. WIth five to twenty percent of Americans coming down with the flu each year, urgent care is beneficial in more ways than just providing confidential std testing.

Another positive about being able to receive confidential std testing at an urgent car is that they provide point of care prescription dispensing, ensuring that a patient will receive their prescription before leaving the urgent care center.

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